Audit Module


This module is used to log any data changes of database records. It is custom used for each entity: entities can be registered, can chose that fields to track and that to ignore. Note: Audit is compatible only with models that inherit from BaseModel class or implement IBase<T> This module has 2 tables that store your data changes:

  1. public DbSet<TrackAudit> TrackAudits { get; set; }
  2. public DbSet<TrackAuditDetails> TrackAuditDetails { get; set; }


In your startup class, register the service:

using GR.Audit;
using GR.Audit.Abstractions.Extensions;
//----------------------------------------Audit Module-------------------------------------


For use this module is need to install GR.Audit nuget package or download the library from github. In a few steps we can log our data changes.

  1. Your module DbContext must inherit from TrackerDbContext Example of usage:
using GR.Audit.Contexts;
 public class GroupsDbContext : TrackerDbContext, IGroupContext
  1. Your model must have attached the TrackEntity attribute like in an examples below: Track all fields:
using GR.Audit.Abstractions.Attributes;
using GR.Audit.Abstractions.Enums;

[TrackEntity(Option = TrackEntityOption.AllFields)]
    public class GearUser : IdentityUser<Guid>, IBase<Guid>

Track only selected fields:

TrackEntity(Option = TrackEntityOption.SelectedFields)]
    public class GearUser : IdentityUser<Guid>, IBase<Guid>
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores user first name
        /// </summary>
        [TrackField(Option = TrackFieldOption.Allow)]
        public virtual string FirstName { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Stores user last name
        /// </summary>
        [TrackField(Option = TrackFieldOption.Allow)]
        public virtual string LastName { get; set; }
  1. Register the context in your IServiceCollection extensions Example:
using GR.Audit.Abstractions.Extensions;
services.RegisterAuditFor<IIdentityContext>("Identity module");

If your context has early created migrations, after use the audit module, is needed to create new migrations. For docs on how to create migrations with EF Core, you can find here

For extend IdentityContext you can use the TrackerIdentityDbContext context Example:

 public class GearIdentityDbContext : TrackerIdentityDbContext<GearUser, GearRole, Guid>, IPermissionsContext

Thanks of BaseModel we can update fields of record:

  • Created - DateTime - the date of record creation
  • Changed - DateTime - the date of record modification
  • Author - user name of user that has created this record
  • ModifiedBy - string - the user name of user
  • Version - int - the version of record, is incremented on each change of record

Example on how to use the BaseModel class on your entity

  [DebuggerDisplay(@"\{{" + nameof(Name) + @",nq}\}")]
    [TrackEntity(Option = TrackEntityOption.SelectedFields)]
    public class Group : BaseModel

The audit is saved only after called SaveChanges(), SaveChangesAsync or Push(), PushAsync() context methods.

To ignore save audit of record, set to true the DisableAuditTracking field, this field is not saved and not serialized. Example:

var user = await _userManager.UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.UserName == model.UserName);
user.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;
user.DisableAuditTracking = true;
await _userManager.UserManager.UpdateAsync(user);

In showed example save audit on change last login date for user is disabled.